Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Wow, it has been a while since I've visited this space, something I hope to alleviate....soon.
Looking back over this past year or so I can certainly say it had its challenges.
Personally, as well as spiritually, I had some major "wilderness wanderings", our family fell into crisis, and before I knew it I had turned down a dark path that led to so much hurt and heartache that it astounds me even still. I knew better and chose worse.
What I learned from all of it is this: truly, no one is insulated or protected from the very worst of what we can become if we are not ever vigilant in God's presence, and though I hovered on the brink of destruction, God was faithful to deliver me back to a path towards healing and righteousness. Praise be to God our Father who never leaves us nor forsakes us.
While our family remains intact, this last year has left me feeling shaky and uncertain about our future, which is equally shaky and uncertain, not because of the past but because of what is happening now. Con has been travelling with his company for the past 10 months and recently we found out that we will be relocating to Spokane, which will require us to move, though we don't know when, only that it will be this summer.
In the meantime, I have been working at Energy NW for the refuel outage which has entailed 72 hour work weeks, nights, for the past 2 months. Now, I am only working 60 hours a week, but one can see how that schedule alone reeks havoc on our homelife. Con and I decided to have me stay, if possible, to the end of it which is scheduled for July 26th, to help with building a nest egg for our future.
Needless to say, it has been a crazy time, but, amazingly, as usual, God showed up and blessed me in spite of me and I can honestly say that, while the schedule is very difficult and the atmosphere at work is....less than polite, and there is continual drama pervading the plant, I can honestly say that I am glad to have done it and more than anything, God provided some incredible moments of ministry to a people who dwell in a very dark place. I feel blessed and honored to have had the opportunity to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with my co-workers.
This is only a quick summary of my year, one that I will continue to look back over for a long time to try to understand why and where it all went wrong and also where it went right, after all, we can't change the things that we don't acknowledge, we can't change our future without understanding our past, and we can't say, " I didn't mean to run over the dog", because , in fact, the dog is dead.
Be back soon.