Thursday, January 31, 2008

speaking truth....cramps my style

I thought it was interesting last night as I arrived at GA's to see a sign that read:
"Speak Truth to one another."
For that has been my quandry practically my whole life and, coincidentally, my whole day!
Do I speak or do I say nothing?
I've learned that it is best to consider things "case by case" and to pray before opening my mouth, that seems to work pretty well.
But, still, there are times when Truth is not so readily received and the person ends up getting angry or defensive and it ends up going sour.
Do we consider the persons' possible reponse before we act boldly with the Truth?
Is that not a spirit of fear? and are we not told in scripture that we have been given a spirit of boldness, not timidity?
Again, I have found that it is best to pray first, not only for wisdom but also that God would prepare their heart to receive the Truth, in love.
OK, so here it is:
Lacey and I are involved in a Homeschool Coop where Lacey takes a writing class and I take of the trash, basically.
So, yesterday I had Faith and she has a cold and I thought it was not appropriate to take her and expose her to others so I dropped Lacey off knowing that my "trash Partner would take care of it.
Here's the rub: I didn't see her car and she drives in from Hermiston so I turned around and went in to make sure someone could cover for me.
As it turned out, she was there, she drove a different car, and I told her that I couldn't stay because of the sick baby and her response was," Oh, that's OK, you won't get fined because so-and-so is covering for you."
I told her that I had no idea what she was talking about so she preceded to tell me that the board had instituted a new rule that stated you would be fined $25 if you did not fulfill your weekly duty at the Co-op.!!!!!!!!!
This really isn't about was the first time that I had to bow out of my responsibility, however, this is a matter of biblical morality.
I think it is entirely wrong.
We are a christian co-op.
Where is the grace?
Where is the mercy?
Doesn't the bible say that we are not to make lawsuits against one another and we are not to impose unreasonable sundries to our neighbors?
This should be first and foremost a ministry to these children and their families.
Hang out in any organized group of people, christian or non-christian, and you will discover that 20% do 80% of the work.
That's humanity, people, get over it!
I think that this misshandling of this matter goes right to the heart of where these people are at spiritually and, personally, I do NOT want to be aligned with this group who is capable of such foolishness.
Am I wrong????
Am I the problem????
Should I extend grace and go on like it is OK???????
I will give them a chance to explain themselves and I will speak to how unbiblical it is, but, do I disassociate ourselves from them or do I forgive and remain?
I think it is time to pray for God's will to be done, cuz, I'll just make a mess of it.
Will you pray for me, please?

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

jury duty....

This week I had jury duty and was, to my chagrin, chosen to be a on a jury.
It was a 2-day trial in which we determined the defendant not-guilty of 4th degree assault.
It ended up being an interesting experience.
As always, I try to look at my experiences through spiritual eyes and ,so, with that in mind I am pondering these things:
1. Who is a jury of our peers?
2. Who is our judge?
3. Who is our accuser?
4. Who intercedes for us?
Well, a jury of my peers would be my brothers/sisters in Christ. Just as a juror makes a judgment according to the evidence/fruit/lack of fruit, my peers make those judgments about me, when necessary, to show me God's way instead of my way.
Are my jury/peers being judgmental and meddlesome?
Are they sticking their noses where they don't belong?
I don't believe so.
God uses people to bring others back to Him.
Who is my judge?
God is my judge.
His word pricks my heart, when necessary.
We are not to despise the discipline of the Lord for it is to teach us to be more like Him.
Who is my accuser?
The bible says that Satan brings accusations upon us and Jesus is our intercessor.
God does not accuse, He redeems, He forgives, He loves.
Satan accuses, Satan condemns, Satan seeks to destroy us.
Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father making intercessions for us continually because He can sympathize with us, being in the form of a man who was tempted in all things and, yet, was without sin.
I think that the role of the Holy spirit is to convict us of our sin for the purpose of being reconciled to the Father, but I also know that we who are in Christ have the Holy Spirit and so we can also be used of God to speak Truth to our peers when they are seeking their own way instead of God's way.
As Iook back at the trial, I consider what events led up to the "crime".
What could have been done to prevent the "crime" from happening?
If he'd sought wise counsel, if he'd had some friends to turn to for guidance, and if he had turned the situation over to His Heavenly Father, it could have been avoided completely.
Isn't that our role, as well, to help our friends to make wise choices in crisis situations, instead of thinking it's none of our business or thinking you might come accross judgmental?
I believe we do our brothers/sisters a disservice when we do nothing but watch from a distance the "slow fade" that can happen when they continually give in to compromise.
God has set the standard.
Not us.
Who will stand in the gap before the Lord to make intercessions for this land?
I pray that I will.
I pray

Sunday, January 27, 2008

it's a slow fade.....

My family had to make some choices this weekend that were not popular or even appreciated, but, they were choices that God has required us to make because we are to be holy and set apart, a chosen people.
".....whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things."
Phillpians 4:8 careful little eyes what you see.... careful little feet where you go..... careful little ears what you hear.....
...........It's a slow fade when you give yourself away, it's a slow fade when black and white have turned to grey....thoughts invade.....choices are made...a price will be paid.
......People never crumble in a day, daddies never crumble in a day, families never crumble in a's a slow fade....
(Casting Crowns-The Altar and the Door)

I love this song because it speaks to the dangers of compromise which is so prevalent in our culture and our churches.

a prayer request

My friend and fellow blogger, Tricia, has suggested that we use our "air time" to speak out our burdens and our petitions to the Lord so that we can be not only friends, but also, intercessors for each other.
Novel idea!!!!
So, I will ask that you who are reading this blog will lift me up in prayer for the following:

God has asked me to mend a relationship with an old friend who wounded me greatly.
I, my flesh, has no desire to do this, in fact, this person represents a very difficult time in my life where I dwelled in very dark places. Though God delivered me through that time and through the darkness, this relationship suffered and never got healed. Satan has used this to trip me up time and time again and I need to just give it up to the Lord.
Please pray that I will trust God to get me through this and that I can love her and forgive her, as well.

God has richly blessed me with friends who are godly and who hold me to a godly standard.
I can trust them with all that I am and, still, they love me and accept me.
They are also smart and clever and hugely funny!!!!!
You know who you are....
I love my goon-crew.

snowy sunday....

It is really snowing!
The roads were so bad this morning that we decided not to risk the drive to Richland for church, instead, we invited our neighbors over for an impromtu bible study.
It was really good...I love studying the bible at home with other people.
It really is one of my most favorite things.
I'm not sure where the daughter is spiritually, but, I hope God spoke to her heart and planted some seeds of truth there.
The mom is a Christian, but, unfortunately her husband is not and my prayer is that we can reach out to him as friends/neighbors not as the "christian out to convert him."
We were really blessed.
Then we went sledding and it was great!!!!!
I love snow days.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

A flock of blackbirds....

OK, so Nevada is hassling me to blog, so......
As most of you already know, my daughter, Lacey, is driving, and is doing very well, I must add.
But, as is the case with most young drivers, there are moments of levity that must be shared with the world.
Here is ours:
Lacey was driving to her writing class over Badger Mountain when up ahead we noticed that a very large gathering of Brewster's black birds were sitting right in the middle of the road and in the surrounding orchard on either side of the road.
I pointed out that she should just drive right through them and, being that I like to make every possible moment a teachable moment, I went on to say that if there is a car behind you(which there was) that it was imperative to maintain your speed and NOT deviate from the lane in case a car came from the other direction in order to aviod an animal/flock of birds.
So, heeding my direction, Lacey gritted her teeth and drove right through those birds, who took flight at the very last possible moment and it was lovely to be surrounded by literally thousands and thousands of birds, in fact, I was quite mesmerized....
I was awakened out of my reverie by some loud protestations from Lacey because it was at that exact moment, while my words still hung in the air; "it is important to maintain your speed and not deviate from your lane just to avoid an animal", that a dog appeared in our lane as we emerged from the flock of birds.
I remember yelling something like," ....SLOW DOWN!!!!!!!!STOP!!!!!!!DON'T HIT THE DOG!!!!!!!!"
There was more yelling, something like," you told me not to...."
Then the giggling began which within a few moments evolved into a full-fledged belly was great, it really was....and , at some point I explained further that a good "rule of thumb" regarding the hitting of animals was not to hit anything bigger that the car....but, cats, it was OK to hit them.
It really was a surreal experience and as I look back I can't believe I said it was OK to hit a cat, I mean, I like cats....and dogs...and animals!
Being that it is "Sanctity of Life" month brings a certain irony to the situation, doesn't it?
Well, like I said...moments of levity.

Monday, January 7, 2008

A question?

My daughter came to me and confessed that she doesn't hear God and this was troubling to her.
She asked, "How does He speak to you?"
I went on to say that He speaks in many ways, and no, it was not an audible voice, at least to me.
I told her how God spoke to me in His word while I was studying or how He would put things on my heart or in my mind to pray.
I shared how many times He used other people to speak truth over me.
My sweetest times with God, I will tell you, is when I am silent and still and listening.
Once, while traveling over the mountains in a tumultuous rainstorm, I saw a rainbow in the distance smack dab in the middle of my lane!.....and as I got closer I kept expecting the rainbow to disappear, because that's what they do, I mean, we all know that it is impossible to touch a rainbow, right?
Well, it didn't disappear and I drove right through it!
It felt like a million tiny bubbles were tickling my skin...I felt like I had been touched by God.
When I looked back, the rain and the rainbow were gone.
And I simply smiled, affirmed that my God delights in His children.
Another time, I was in fervent prayer, wrestling with God, when He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me.
I know this because He told me He was holding me, and He had held me many times when I was a sad little girl missing her mommy.
So, there are my sweetest times with the Lord.
What are yours??
How does God speak to you?
OK, so it was 2 questions.

we don't have a prayer....

I absolutely love it when God speaks in themes....
All around me are the voices of affirmation telling me that God is speaking to them, as well, and it is so sweet.
God has burdened my heart; we, the Church, the Bride of Christ, have forgotten how to pray fervently.
My goodness, I was talking to a friend today about this idea and we got on the subject of a mutual friend's daughter who is deaf and needing coqulear(spelling?) implants and my friend suggested that God could heal her!!!!!
Heal her?????
It never even entered my mind to ask for that.
What is wrong with me is what is wrong with a lot of Christians who are not accustomed to this idea.
I mean, we hear stories of the miraculous but do we really believe God would perform miracles in our lives???????
Do we think we are worthy of God's blessings?
Do we have "deep-water-faith" in the "shallow-end"?
I'm as guilty as anyone, but, God is moving in me and showing me that He has a more excellent way, He delights in us, and He wants us to give everything to Him; our joys, our sorrows, our devotion, our selfishness, all of it.
He promises to finish the work for us, to never leave us nor forsake us, and He asks that we endure to the end and to live boldly...for Him.
That is my desire.
I heard it said that God will not bring revival to the church, but to homes, one family at a time.
"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
So. what does that look like????
I think knee pads are in order, cuz we're gonna need it.