Monday, January 7, 2008

A question?

My daughter came to me and confessed that she doesn't hear God and this was troubling to her.
She asked, "How does He speak to you?"
I went on to say that He speaks in many ways, and no, it was not an audible voice, at least to me.
I told her how God spoke to me in His word while I was studying or how He would put things on my heart or in my mind to pray.
I shared how many times He used other people to speak truth over me.
My sweetest times with God, I will tell you, is when I am silent and still and listening.
Once, while traveling over the mountains in a tumultuous rainstorm, I saw a rainbow in the distance smack dab in the middle of my lane!.....and as I got closer I kept expecting the rainbow to disappear, because that's what they do, I mean, we all know that it is impossible to touch a rainbow, right?
Well, it didn't disappear and I drove right through it!
It felt like a million tiny bubbles were tickling my skin...I felt like I had been touched by God.
When I looked back, the rain and the rainbow were gone.
And I simply smiled, affirmed that my God delights in His children.
Another time, I was in fervent prayer, wrestling with God, when He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me.
I know this because He told me He was holding me, and He had held me many times when I was a sad little girl missing her mommy.
So, there are my sweetest times with the Lord.
What are yours??
How does God speak to you?
OK, so it was 2 questions.


vAdA said...

you have told me that story before about the rainbow and i think that is amazing!
Soooo??? Scout...can we keep her!?!

Jill said...

God speaks to me in those ways also. I don't know if you can articulate how God speaks to someone. It is so personal. Yes through His word, yes through people, yes through a song, yes in the quiet. But it is in the heart. You just know that the Lord is talking. After all He is the LORD, there is no mistaking Him for anyone else. If what He is saying lines up with His word...It's Him. If's not.

Tricia said...

Some of my sweetest times with the Lord have been in the middle of the night, when, I believe, He wakes me and keeps me up so I can just lay there and spend time with Him. Also, He has woken me in the middle of the night and has given me words to write, poems are stories. Awesome! It's clearly the Lord!!!

Today, I was watching a video from my new Thurs. morning Bible study. It is by Kay Arthur called "Lord, teach me to pray". She says that when you open God's word (our book of prayer) that you ARE hearing from God! Thought that would be good to pass on to your daughters.