Sunday, January 27, 2008

a prayer request

My friend and fellow blogger, Tricia, has suggested that we use our "air time" to speak out our burdens and our petitions to the Lord so that we can be not only friends, but also, intercessors for each other.
Novel idea!!!!
So, I will ask that you who are reading this blog will lift me up in prayer for the following:

God has asked me to mend a relationship with an old friend who wounded me greatly.
I, my flesh, has no desire to do this, in fact, this person represents a very difficult time in my life where I dwelled in very dark places. Though God delivered me through that time and through the darkness, this relationship suffered and never got healed. Satan has used this to trip me up time and time again and I need to just give it up to the Lord.
Please pray that I will trust God to get me through this and that I can love her and forgive her, as well.

God has richly blessed me with friends who are godly and who hold me to a godly standard.
I can trust them with all that I am and, still, they love me and accept me.
They are also smart and clever and hugely funny!!!!!
You know who you are....
I love my goon-crew.


Tricia said...

I will pray for you and I know this will be difficult, but remember with God all things are possible. Plus, you are not responsible for the outcome, but just to obey.

Love ya, Tricia

Jill said...

Praying for you also.

A fellow goonie

Ginger said...
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Ginger said...

I'll be praying for you, Lori! Something I have learned...really difficult tasks yield really special rewards! In my experience, the worst part of trying to mend a relationship is the initial time that is spent thinking about how to do it, what to say, all the bad things that might happen. Most of the time, things go far better than we anticipate! :) I've been praying for you since you mentioned it at Youth Group, and I will continue to pray that God will give you courage, faith, and the words to say. You'll be just like the Capable Wife in Proverbs: "She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness. Strength and honor are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come."