Friday, May 23, 2008

a memorial....

Oh, I GET it!
Memorial Day....Ginger's memoriam for her friends....
I'm a little slow.
OK, so I will, in the theme of giving memorial to something, give a memorial to those people and circumstances that shaped who I am today.
In chronological order:

Dan-my twin brother who grew up with me and who stuck by me. He endured, not only his own punishments, but mine, as well, and visa versa and he was my constant companion. He taught me the meaning of loyalty and through our shared experiences I aquired my strong sense of justice.

My mom-though I have few memories of her because she died when we were only 7 yrs old, I have a sense of her that is almost palpable...her strength, her tenacity, the fierce love she had for her children. I learned my sense of value from her. My sister was 17 when we were born, my mother, 42, so naturally when we were out together people would assume that we were Karen's kids, not my mother's, and my mom hated that!
"These are MY children, not hers." she would say to those who questioned.
She was proud to be my mom and through that I have learned to value my children as precious jewels.

My Dad-I was never very close to my dad. After my mom died, he remarried very quickly, and, though that didn't work out later on for me, what I know is that my dad did what he had to do to make sure we were taken care of. He found us a replacement mom and checked out emotionally from me. My memories, my take on it, however, what I learned from that whole experience is that sometimes, as a parent, we do what is necessary for the greater good. My dad was a hard worker, a good provider, a Godly man, and completely unavailable to me. What I learned from him was that men are weak and are nothing without a good woman behind them. I learned that children are to be seen and NOT heard. I learned what it was like to have no value.
Fortunately, I also learned to be self-reliant and to love myself, when I felt like noone else would.

God-after my mom died, He was my constant companion. Although I didn't recognize who he was, He literally held me in my darkest hours, and showed me love. He told me that I could be with my mother again, which comforted me, and He filled me with a sense of worth that would sustain me throughout my life. He told me that He would never leave me and that He would always love me, no matter how far I wandered away from Him. I learned that I have a Heavenly Father who is trustworthy. And He was sorry that my earthly father had hurt me so. He gave me the gift of love and of faith, that has never faltered over the years. He set eternity in my heart and I still long for it day and night. God came to me, as a little girl lost, and He showed me His heart. Now, I live for Him, for His will, to show others how He saved me from me.
When I think of my life without God I imagine that I would be so full of myself, a survival skill that began innocently enough would probably have turned me into a self-centered, prideful, shallow, shell of a someone seeking love and acceptance in all the wrong places and in all the wrong things.

All of my friends that I had during my "impressionable years"(Linda K, Mary, Debbie, Dana, Laura, Laurie, Shari, Alison, Devin- my friends became my family to me. They were my champions, my heroes, my greatest fans. I put all my strength into these relationships because they were rewarding to me, and I absolutely delighted in them. They loved me for who I was and I didn't have to prove anything to them. I learned to laugh and I learned what it was to experience joy. I learned the gift of friendship from those precious ones who entered my life and gave me love at a time in my life when I needed it most. I learned that in order to receive love you have to give it. I learned what it was to be loyal, that "no greater love hath he that he would lay down his life for his friends". My friends saved me. I am forever grateful to them.

Well, that took me through high school, which is enough for now.
It's interesting to take inventory over your life and really look at those things which were so important. Maybe it didn't seem that way at the time, which is why it's good to look back, for the sake of perspective.
Thank you Ginger for the inspiration to do so.
Happy Memorial Day.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Idol worship????

We are NOT obssessed!
We are...passionate about American Idol.
Tonight was the finale show; the last chance to see our favorite perform and the last chance to vote for our favorite.
Who is MY favorite Idol, as well as my husbands and my oldest daughter's?


We voted 216 times for DC.
We are quite possibly his biggest fans.
(I need to go ice my's numb from pushing redial so many times)


Saturday, May 17, 2008

a good time....

Con and I went yardsaling today and it was so much fun!
Con NEVER has a Saturday off, but his restaurant is being remodeled at this time so he decided to take a few days off.
What a treat!
And good timing since Sunday is our 17th wedding anniversary.
We found a great bookshelf for Con's office, a new collar for Hunter, some crocheted dishrags that the lady made herself, a microfiber cleaning cloth still in the wrapper, some new towel racks for the girls' bath, but my fave thing would have to be an industrial apple peeler/corer/slicer.
Love it!!!!!
It peels, cores and slices in 5 seconds!!!!!
Actually, my fave thing is really the sweet time we had together, laughing, catching up after our crazy week, just enjoying each others' company, which I'm thrilled that we still like each other after all this time together.
I guess we're ahead of the game.

Friday, May 16, 2008

He has placed eternity in their hearts.....

I love summer!
I love the flowers and the trees and the birds singing and.....
I don't know, somethin' about a new season fills my heart with gladness.
I love working in the yard.
I love seeing things grow.
It seems the summer season is the season of seeing your neighbors and catching up after a LONG winter, of making plans for vacation, of looking forward to the lighter schedule ahead.
It's all good.
Of course, it reminds me of my heavenly home, too.
Even though this place is full of beauty and I love this time of year I still LONG for heaven, truly.
I am one of those that has a VERY strong sense of Eternity...and knowing that He placed it in my heart makes it all the more sweet and makes the difficult things in life easier to endure.
Life isn't always kind or fair, and can be downright hideous, but it is temporal, like a vapor, and THAT alone keeps my heart longing for what is to come.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Lacey's Prom.....

So, Lacey's Homeschool Prom was this last weekend and she had her hair and make-up done by Jen and then she and her friends went to Casa Mia for dinner before the dance...she was so pretty and grown-up looking and it was so sweet.....
We picked her up and asked how it went and she said it was fun and she danced alot....just not with any boys!!!!
Why?????(I'm sure I shrieked)
She said NOONE asked her to dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH MY LANTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is wrong with the boys out there???????????????
The irony here is positively dripping because her dad spoke to her about being polite and not declining any offers to dance because that is rude and you would make the boy feel bad......
Don't the father's speak to their sons about making sure every girl in the room dances???????????????
Apparently not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sure I'm taking this way to seriously.....
I'll get over it.

a mother's day.....

I had a wonderful Mother's Day with my wonderful daughters and wonderful husband.
Thank you for making me feel so special!!!
Lacey and Nevada gave me the "Il Divo" CD and we played "Mama" until we cried.
It was great....
Of course that song makes me think of my mom and all the things I have missed without her....I think of my siblings, too, and how they must miss her more than I do cuz they had her in their lives longer....I wonder if they appreciated the time they had with her?
Probably not.
A mother's love is a love we take for granted and believe it will always be there.....
Did I tell you that I dreamed that my mom was still alive and that she lived just a few blocks from us?
In the dream I was walking down the street and I saw her!!!! and couldn't believe my eyes so I followed her to her house only to find out she WAS alive and had remarried and was always waiting for us to find her.
It was an amazing dream...a gift, I suppose, and so I've decided to write a book about it, an Indian gift of a sort.
He gave it to me so I will give it back to Him.
We'll see where it goes....
It's interesting to look back at painful events in our lives and see how they "shape" us into what we are today.
I believe I crave people-connections because I missed out on a relationship with a mother and, consequently I take motherhood very seriously and find it extremely satisfying to feel connected to my kids.
Anyhoo, I dig Mother's Day and yet it's bittersweet...such is life....

Thursday, May 1, 2008

a close one....

Our family "almost" made a huge change in our lifestyle yesterday.
We were talking about the high cost of gas and our crazy-schedule and how it is important to make sacrifices at times like these.
We talked about what things we could give up that are considered luxuries; going for Starbucks, less golfing, etc, and it was even suggested that we give up our DirectTV for the summer to save $$$$.
OK, it was received pretty well....afterall, I pointed out that our shows will be over until January and we usually rent movies anyway for the weekends so why not????
I mean it went over better that I EVER expected!.......until Con realized that it would mean that we could not watch the Summer Olympics....and baseball.
Like I said, it was almost a huge change.
So close....