Monday, May 12, 2008

a mother's day.....

I had a wonderful Mother's Day with my wonderful daughters and wonderful husband.
Thank you for making me feel so special!!!
Lacey and Nevada gave me the "Il Divo" CD and we played "Mama" until we cried.
It was great....
Of course that song makes me think of my mom and all the things I have missed without her....I think of my siblings, too, and how they must miss her more than I do cuz they had her in their lives longer....I wonder if they appreciated the time they had with her?
Probably not.
A mother's love is a love we take for granted and believe it will always be there.....
Did I tell you that I dreamed that my mom was still alive and that she lived just a few blocks from us?
In the dream I was walking down the street and I saw her!!!! and couldn't believe my eyes so I followed her to her house only to find out she WAS alive and had remarried and was always waiting for us to find her.
It was an amazing dream...a gift, I suppose, and so I've decided to write a book about it, an Indian gift of a sort.
He gave it to me so I will give it back to Him.
We'll see where it goes....
It's interesting to look back at painful events in our lives and see how they "shape" us into what we are today.
I believe I crave people-connections because I missed out on a relationship with a mother and, consequently I take motherhood very seriously and find it extremely satisfying to feel connected to my kids.
Anyhoo, I dig Mother's Day and yet it's bittersweet...such is life....


Jill said...

Happy Mamma's Day!

Carol said...

It is hard to lose someone so dear and it gives us so many questions that won't be answered until we can ask God ourselves... I am glad you had such a wonderful day with your daughters, they are both so fun! ;)