Thursday, May 1, 2008

a close one....

Our family "almost" made a huge change in our lifestyle yesterday.
We were talking about the high cost of gas and our crazy-schedule and how it is important to make sacrifices at times like these.
We talked about what things we could give up that are considered luxuries; going for Starbucks, less golfing, etc, and it was even suggested that we give up our DirectTV for the summer to save $$$$.
OK, it was received pretty well....afterall, I pointed out that our shows will be over until January and we usually rent movies anyway for the weekends so why not????
I mean it went over better that I EVER expected!.......until Con realized that it would mean that we could not watch the Summer Olympics....and baseball.
Like I said, it was almost a huge change.
So close....


Carol said...

Whew! That was Close! ;)

Tricia said...

You need to tell Con that we've watched the Olympics with no cable, and now that everything's going digital it's not so bad. My brother even gets more channels now with just the new digital box than he did with an antenna. Hey, we've (or should I say Dick) survived 7 1/2 years with no cable. Surely, you guys can step up to plate (no pun intended Con) and survive with less channels. I think it is a perfect way to save money. Afterall, that's why we never got it. Let me know how it goes...

Lori said...

...we're on satellite cuz we have NO viable signal out here, meaning, it's all or nuthin'!!!!!


Ginger said...

I could so survive with no tv or cable, but I can't speak for the whole family. I would love to have my nose in a book instead of my eyes glued to the tv. It seems like a great way to save money to me. Maybe you can get dvds of previous olympics and baseball games to tide you all over :)???

Jill said...

Funny. ;o)

Carol said...

Dude! It is so time for a new post! How do you expect to get to your 100th post give away if you wait so long between posts? Your prize will have to be a box of Depends, cuz we will all need them by then! ;)

Carol said...

Happy Mother's Day! ;)

Carol said...

Hey! You have been tagged, check out my blog to play along! ;)