Thursday, January 31, 2008

speaking truth....cramps my style

I thought it was interesting last night as I arrived at GA's to see a sign that read:
"Speak Truth to one another."
For that has been my quandry practically my whole life and, coincidentally, my whole day!
Do I speak or do I say nothing?
I've learned that it is best to consider things "case by case" and to pray before opening my mouth, that seems to work pretty well.
But, still, there are times when Truth is not so readily received and the person ends up getting angry or defensive and it ends up going sour.
Do we consider the persons' possible reponse before we act boldly with the Truth?
Is that not a spirit of fear? and are we not told in scripture that we have been given a spirit of boldness, not timidity?
Again, I have found that it is best to pray first, not only for wisdom but also that God would prepare their heart to receive the Truth, in love.
OK, so here it is:
Lacey and I are involved in a Homeschool Coop where Lacey takes a writing class and I take of the trash, basically.
So, yesterday I had Faith and she has a cold and I thought it was not appropriate to take her and expose her to others so I dropped Lacey off knowing that my "trash Partner would take care of it.
Here's the rub: I didn't see her car and she drives in from Hermiston so I turned around and went in to make sure someone could cover for me.
As it turned out, she was there, she drove a different car, and I told her that I couldn't stay because of the sick baby and her response was," Oh, that's OK, you won't get fined because so-and-so is covering for you."
I told her that I had no idea what she was talking about so she preceded to tell me that the board had instituted a new rule that stated you would be fined $25 if you did not fulfill your weekly duty at the Co-op.!!!!!!!!!
This really isn't about was the first time that I had to bow out of my responsibility, however, this is a matter of biblical morality.
I think it is entirely wrong.
We are a christian co-op.
Where is the grace?
Where is the mercy?
Doesn't the bible say that we are not to make lawsuits against one another and we are not to impose unreasonable sundries to our neighbors?
This should be first and foremost a ministry to these children and their families.
Hang out in any organized group of people, christian or non-christian, and you will discover that 20% do 80% of the work.
That's humanity, people, get over it!
I think that this misshandling of this matter goes right to the heart of where these people are at spiritually and, personally, I do NOT want to be aligned with this group who is capable of such foolishness.
Am I wrong????
Am I the problem????
Should I extend grace and go on like it is OK???????
I will give them a chance to explain themselves and I will speak to how unbiblical it is, but, do I disassociate ourselves from them or do I forgive and remain?
I think it is time to pray for God's will to be done, cuz, I'll just make a mess of it.
Will you pray for me, please?


Tricia said...

I will pray. So, you aren't getting fined right? Yes, there should be understanding and not such a legalistic way of doing things. I mean, teachers get subs and they don't get fined, right? But how to handle it? Lots of prayer, get the facts and then you'll know what you're dealing with.

Can I ask you also to pray for me for some personal issues? Thanks, you're great!


Jill said...

Hmmm...sounds like a theme.