Monday, February 4, 2008

studying Daniel....

The girls and I are studying Daniel chapters 7-12.
It makes for lively conversations about the future events of this earth and it affirms to me how wonderful it is to have a family that serves the Lord, loves the Lord, and one that is anticipating Heaven.
I NEVER had conversations with my parents about scripture and it's relevency to this time or to our lives, how alive it is or even how lucky we are to live in a place where freedon of religion is the backbone of this nation.
That seems so long ago.....
I feel blessed that God has brought me so far and has taught me the value of teaching my children the ways of the Lord and for giving me such a delight in them.
Truly, I can see God's fingerprints on my life as I look back to when I was a small child and it fills me with such awe.....
Thank you, Father, for your blessings, your provisions, and for your plan unfolding in my life.
I look forward to what the future holds because YOU hold the future in YOUR hands and that fills me with such hope.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

Good for you! I loved studying Daniel when I did the Beth Moore study. Amazing info isn't it?