Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What do you think?

For us, the revival services have been very good, very thought provoking.
Last night I had some interesting thoughts...
Pastor Wade was telling the story of the little girl that got saved at camp and it turned that she was actually a leader in her youth group, someone that everyone trusted and went to for spiritual advice because she LOOKED the part and went through the motions of "church".
That story reminded me of something that Nevada struggles with and I want to share it because I would like your feedback, you godly women bloggers.
Nevada does not remember praying to receive Christ.
We were visiting a church before we came to RBC, she was in Sunday school when I came to pick her up after worship and the teacher told me that she prayed with Nevada for salvation!
Awesome, right?
Nevada was 5 years old and she simply does NOT remember doing it.
I have encouraged her to ask God to bring it to her remembrance, which He has NOT, for whatever reason...
She has always been afraid of giving her testimony because she doesn't remember praying for herself therefore she feels that she doesn't have a testimony.
Last night, however, the Lord spoke a word of Truth in my ear and I was able to share it with Vada this morning; the Truth being that we are to be known by our fruit and we are to be growing in a relationship with the Lord. Jesus did not go from town to town praying for people to receive Him, instead, He touched them, forgave them, then asked them to sin no more. That was it! The salvation experience did not consist of a FAITH or ABC presentation!!!!
I told Nevada that I saw fruit in her and love in her and a great desire to serve God and I believe that is the result of her salvation and THAT is a great testimony!!!!
Please pray for Nevada that she would know that she knows that she is a child of the King or, if not, that she would know that as well.
Would you?
What do you think???


Leslie said...

I was just today reading Pleasing God by R.C.Sproul. He talked about this very same thing! God is so gooooood. He cited the example of Ruth Graham and the fact that she couldn't pinpoint a time even within a span of 5 years either way!!!! when she "prayed that prayer". No one who wants to go on breathing would say that there was not fruit in HER life. The book also talked about the fact that everyone's testimony is unique and awesome because we all needed grace and Jesus is our Savior.

Ginger said...

Praying a prayer is not where it's at. I agree--if one relies on praying a prayer for salvation, he is sadly mistaken. Lots of people are plagued even by thinking "did I pray the right prayer??...did I really mean it???" The truth is we believe that Jesus died for our sins and has promised to take us to heaven one day. He produces the fruit in our lives, and it's all up to Him to keep His promise even if we can't remember the specific day or time we accepted it. Salvation is not a prayer, it's a change of heart.

Rather than praying to remember a certain time she prayed a prayer, maybe you can encourage Nevada to pray that the Spirit would give her peace. Romans 8:16 "The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God."