Wednesday, November 26, 2008

happy wednesday.....

What are you taking to Thanksgiving dinner?
We will be going to the in-laws at 12:00 and I was told to bring(not jello)mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes and pies(not apple).
Then at 4:00 we will be introduced to gluttony when we try to eat again at my dear sister's house where my entire family will be(approximately 48).
We are very excited to see everyone together because that simply doesn't happen but a couple of times a year.
Yesterday my nephew, Jeff, and his boys, AJ and Cameron stopped by for a visit and it was so great to see them. They live in the Seattle area and we just don't see them very often sadly.
My other nephew, Dax, and his family have moved here from New Mexico to look for work and so my brother, Chuck, has 9 people living under his roof!!!!! and they will be there as well.
Also, a little bird told me that we will have a surprise visitor from Minneapolis!!!!!
Don't try to get me to tell you cuz I won't!!!!!
(call me later)
Anyhoo, today is a baking day with my girls.
Lacey will make her killer pie crusts.
Nevada will mash the taters like nobody can!!!!!
I love Thanksgiving because it reminds me to be thankful of all that we have.
To all my blogggy friends I wish for you to have a very wonderful Thanksgiving and know that I am so thankful for you!!!!!!

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