Tuesday, January 19, 2010

United we stand....

Something new is happening in my blog-world!
My friend, Robin, and I will be starting a Bible study/accountability blog.
We will be sharing the space as authors and sharing ideas about our mutual studies.
Our hope is that we can gleen insight from one another as we, together, seek the Lord's will and His wisdom through the study of His Word.
We are so excited to see where God will take us as we journey together through the Bible and as we seek the Lord in all understanding.
I am also committed to faithfully praying for all my bloggy friends as we, together, enter a new year and as we, together, seek to give glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through our testimony and our shared blogs.

"For where two or three are gathered together in MY name, I am there in the midst of them..."---Matt. 18:20

1 comment:

Robin said...

Lori, i am soooo excited that we are going to do this together! modern technology is the greatest when it allows us to "gather together" in ways that have never been possible before! i just love it! your post inspired me to make a change to the blog title!

see ya there friend <3