Tuesday, December 16, 2008

OK, I'll play......

A little Christmas time questionnaire...

1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate?
Egg nog, egg nog lattes, egg nog milkshakes.....yummo!

2.Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?
Haven't you heard the song," ...Santa Claus is.......dead."

3. Colored lights on house/tree or white?
White and blue lights on tree and this year we did colored on the outside along with some white on shrubs.

4. Do you hang mistletoe?
No, but did you know that mistletoe is a parasitic plant that attacks trees and can kill them?????

5.When do you put your decorations up?
New Years day.

6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)?
Candied yams.

7.When and how did you learn the truth about Santa?
I think we were in 1st or 2nd grade and I remember being so mad because my dad went to great lengths(climbing up on roof and making reindeer prints in snow) to prove tous that Santa was real. He lied to us. I was so mad which is why I refused to tell my children the same lie and boy was Con mad at me for telling the girls the truth about Santa when they were 3 and 4.(the marriage almos ended over that one....)

8. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?
sometimes one gift but the rest on Christmas morn.

9. How do you decorate your Christmas tree?
I love that each of our ornaments represents a wonderful memory for us. Some are homemade, some are bought but all very precious. We fill out the tree with various hues of blue glass orbs, of course.

10. Snow. Love it or dread it?
Love, Love, Love it!!!!

11. Can you ice skate?
Heck, yeah. some of my favorite menories of our youth group was going ice skating in Walla WAlla.

12. What is your favorite holiday dessert?
Pumpkin Pie(ditto)

13. Which do you prefer giving or receiving?
Who doesn't like receiving gifts, but the real joy for me is giving. I love to watch their reaction and I love showing love to others through giving.

14. What is your favorite Christmas song?
Oh Holy Night

15. Candy Canes. Yum or Yuck?

16. Do you attend an annual Christmas party?
If our SS has one we will go but Con's work doesn't have one.

17. Do you dress up for Christmas Eve or wear PJ's?
Jeans and a sweater Christmas eve but definately flannel jammies in the morn.

18. Do you own a Santa hat.
No, but Lacey has one that she puts on the dog.

19. Who do you normally spend Christmas with?
My family Christamas eve. We do our own thing Christmas morn and then go to Con's folks around lunch time.
Personally I would love to go to the mountains with all of my friends and family and share a huge cabin, go skiing in the afternoon, eat chili and cornbread and drink hot spiced cider and just hang out with all my favorite people.

I'm tagging Ginger and Tricia since they haven't posted in awhile.


Carol said...

Hello fellow egg nog lover! =) That is funny how much trouble your Dad went to just to keep you guys believing in Santa! He must have really wanted your childhood to be majical and I think that is so sweet. We don't do santa at our house either and that almost caused my sister to divorce me, but then she decided she would rather Grace know that all the good gifts come from her anyway, so it worked out! ;)

Leslie said...

We told the kids at early ages because we didn't want to perpetuate a lie. But we were adamant that they not go around telling others!!! I can imagine the calls I would get from angry mothers. As far as I can tell my kids aren't demented because they knew the truth. We aren't anti-santa we are just PRO Jesus.

Beth said...

I told Meigan that mommy was Santa, only because the previous year she freaked out at the idea that the Easter Bunny would actually come in her house. She is such great imagination that it is fun to play along with her... although the other day she did tell me that when I am pretending to be Santa I shouldn't wear a costume.

Jill said...

Thanks for playing along Lori. Why don't you come over next week for some egg nog and candy canes?

Wendi said...

What is candied yams?? i don't think I have ever had them..humm

Ginger said...

Ok, so I am a little behind the times. I haven't had time to blog mostly since we moved. I'll fill in my answers since I can't think of anything else to blog about :).

Miss you, Lori.