Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year....

It's fun to catch up with everyone and see what the new year sparks in people's minds.
Makes me ponder what sparking in my own mind for the new year....
One thing, last night we brought in the new year with some of our very favorite people and we played a great "get to know you game" called "take your pick".
EAch round you picked three traits that you believe a certain person has and as we played for many rounds we began to get repeat trait cards.
One of them was: Believe it or See it????
Leslie made the observation that all the people chose "See it".
Interesting, she said, that our faith compels us to "believe it" but our first response was "see it".
So, what kind of person am I?
Do I need to see things before I believe them or do I possess the "child-like" faith that the bible talks about?
Do I trust that God has the "best laid plans" for me or do I occasionally say to
God," I got this one" and then set aside my faith for my flesh???
My hope and prayer for this New year is that I will allow my faith to pervade every area in my life and that I will trust in the Lord and lean not on my own understanding.
I want to LIVE OUT LOUD for JESUS at the grocery store as well as at church.
I want to WORSHIP THE LORD with all my heart and soul and mind at Starbucks as well as at church.
I want to SHARE MY FAITH with hurting people who cross my path as well as with my neighbors who I see everyday.
I want to SHOW THE LOVE OF CHRIST to my friends and family as well as to the unlovable people that I encounter everyday in this fallen world.
I want all of the dear people that travel this sod with me to know how much I adore you and how blessed I feel to be part of your life.
You know who you are.....;0)
May the Lord come.....


Tricia said...

My heart echoes your thoughts...I too am so thankful to have real friends who are interested in my growth in the Lord, and are there to help me along. Thanks!

Leslie said...

What an awesome post. Worth the wait. I am humbled to have had a careless comment be the stimulus for such deep thought. I, too, enjoyed the game and have thought about it a lot since. I agree with your thoughts and pray for boldness and Jesus' eyes to see the hurting around me. Love you enrich my life just by being in it. I am a grateful girl.

Carol said...

Great thoughts! I struggle a lot with wanting to see "proof" before I believe something. Especially if it is something good... Hmmmm...

Heres to lots of GROWTH in 2009! ;)

Carol said...
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