Monday, January 5, 2009

I need you.....

I have a situation....and I am wondering what your thoughts on it might be.
For the last 3 nights I have had extremely vivid, disturbing dreams with a reoccurring theme: death.
The first one was of me experiencing death by earthquake/volcano and I even felt the sensation of the heat as I was burned to death, all the while in my mind I was talking to the Lord about my imminent departure to His presence. Next, I was in "heaven" and I was celebrating with my loved ones and looking for others to clebrate with, etc. It felt SO REAL.
Then the dog poked me......I woke up and said out loud, "Oh, It WAS a dream."
I felt tricked and I got up and read my bible and prayed that the enemy would stay out of my head during my sleep(when I am most vulnerable).
The next night, I dreamed I was killed by someone suffocating me.
The next night, I dreamed that Nevada died.
The joke last night was that Lacey was next and stay tuned to see how she dies in my dreams.(not really funny, but,better than being freaked out, I guess.)
This morning I am happy so report that Lacey is alive and well in and out of my dreams and than noone else died.
Thank you, Jesus.
Combined with the fact that my truck is not running and the heat in half of our house does not work because the Direct TV guy must have knocked something loose and we are experiencing electrical problems that causes the breakers to blow when we plug in the heaters that we purchased to get through the frigid weekend and the dog now has a definate limp!!!!
What is going on?????
Any of these problems by themselves would be a pain to deal with, but ALL at the same time?????
Not to mention that fact that I have an eye infection that WILL NOT GO AWAY!!!!!
I feel that this family is under attack!!!!
What do you think?????
To me it is one of those "holy duh" moments but, unfortunately, I am not at my finest and I'm struggling with discernment.
I covet your prayers and in fact I would love it if our closest friends would come over to pray with us, over us, for us.
We do not do that enough for one another and I am committing to be the prayer warrior/barbarian that God has called us to be.
If you are in need of prayer, call out to those who hold you up.
I will be there....
For now, we need that.


Tricia said...

I don't have any answers, but thankfully we know the One who does! I did give it some thought and all I came up with is, if it is a spiritual warfare/attack, why would it come in this dream form? And what purpose would it serve? How is it going to trip you up? My experience is that spiritual attacks are used to get us to mess up spiritually. I'm not sure these are going to be or can be used to trip you up. Again, no expert here by any means, just my thoughts. I will be lifting you up in prayer real hard now, and if you'd like us to come pray we can do that too. Fight the battle with God's word, like you are, sister! Love ya!

Sydnie said...

You know, I have a nightmare problem. I often have dreams that are so terrible I wake up crying. The best thing that has worked for me is praying specifically before I go to sleep for good dreams.

Tricia said...

Ok, I just read the best story I've read in a while and it has the answer for fighting spiritual battles. I know you know the answer, but this is so simply said I thought I'd tell to too. Prayer, praise, truth and trust. That's it, that's all we need to do. So just keep at it, girlfriend.

By the way, the book is by Max Lucado and titled An Angel's Story. It's a short story and I highly recommend it.

Carol said...

Wow, rough dreams! I have experienced similar attacks, and low and behold they always seem to come when everything else is falling apart too! I will specifically pray for you tonight and keep you in my prayers this week. I will give you a call this week so we can pray over the phone too!

Sweet dreams friend!

Anonymous said...

I will keep you and your family in my prayers Lori. I hope this helps you, read 2 Corinthians 4:17

Ginger said...

Lori, I feel so disconnected because I don't have time to blog regularly and find out what is on the hearts of my dearest friends. But, please be encouraged that though I don't always know what you are going through, I am praying for you. Even though I don't have time to blog, I have time to talk with the Creator of the Universe and I talk to him regularly about all of my friends. I don't even have to know what's going on, because He knows, He cares, and He is working according to His marvelous plan. What a comfort to me! I love you.