Saturday, January 31, 2009


So, what did God speak to me?
He reminded me that He showed us exactly what He desires from our worship, the first thing being; it is about Him, not us.

Leviticus 9 tells the story of how God instructed Aaron and his sons to bring the sacrifice for the people.
It described in detail how they first had to atone for their own sins before putting on the priestly garments, which represented God's righteousness, then they could enter into the Holy of Holies without fear of God's wrath destroying them.
It then desribed how the Glory of God in the form of fire came down and consumed the sacrifice, the fire continued through the temple until it went out the doors of the tabernacle and the people saw it and celebrated and fell on their faces in worship.
There was much celebration which the sons of Aaron saw so they decided to go back into the Holy of Holies to offer more sacrifices.
God saw this as a profane He destroyed them.
Then, God told Moses to tell Aaron that he must stay in the Tabernacle for 7 days and he was not to mourn, and so Aaron stayed.
How many times have I entered into worship without a second thought that I needed to confess my sins first.
I have not sought God's righteousness before coming to worship, but I sure have brought a profane sacrifice before the Lord....because I sought things that I thought would put me in a more "worshipful attitude", intead of simply coming to the Lord clean and on my knees in worship to Him who is the Lamb of God, the perfect sacrifice.
Then, He showed me that worship was not based on my emotions, just like Aaron stayed in the presence of God even though he had just lost his sons, he simply obeyed and worshipped.
I have made worship about me, and I am so ashamed, Father.
Forgive me.
Thank you for showing me how to truly worship you.
Our God is an awesome God!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Oh wow, God's word is amazing. I am in AWE!