Wednesday, January 21, 2009

LTU #1

Love theme update(thanks Kim and Jill):

I called my mother-in-law and had a great conversation about the Inaugaration and life in general. Not an easy thing for me to do with her cuz we've had some "history", but I do love her and I want her to know that she is important to our family.
I am also trying to love the Obamas through God's eyes, more to the point, to quote a saying from a great book I'm reading, I am "CHOOSING FAITH OVER FEELING".
God has commanded me to love one spite of how I feel.
That's all I got.
Tune in next week for more Love Theme Updates......(hopefully).


Anonymous said...

Hi Lori,
I can sympathize with your feelings over the last few days. I feel the same way. I am convinced that the only way we will be able to get through the next few months and years is to stay very close to the Lord! Of coure, that has also been true in the past as well, through the difficult times as well as the good. However, I must say, I am very much looking forward to (and looking up) the return of our true King of Kings ~ Jesus!!!!


Leslie said...

I applaud you for picking up the phone. You are so faithful to do what the Holy Spirit leads you to do. I am inspired by that. Loving others can be so difficult because WE (our thoughts, prejudices, "feelings" etc.) get in the way. Amazing how the Lord uses others to stretch us and make us more like Jesus. I am grateful even though it isn't a lot of fun sometimes.