I love when God speaks to me in themes!
I finally got to dive back into the chronological Bible study that I have so missed. It started out with Moses in the wilderness with the Israelites and it went to Jethro telling Moses that he should have judges to help with the dispensation of justice and so on....
Then I was working for my neighbor, Nicole, and we were talking about the state of the world etc, and she told me about her favorite book, "Atlas Shrugged" by Anne Land? which was written in the early 50's.
She explained that the author was an atheist but she believed God used her story in a very powerful way. It is now being hailed as almost prophetic to what is happening in our country today, in fact, Glenn Beck also spoke of this book and actually had a representative from the author's foundation(she is now deceased) come on his show and talk about how eerily prophetic "Atlas Shrugged" seems in these modern times. Nicole then loaned me another of her favorite books called the 5000 year Leap by W. Cleaon Sloussen-the 28 great ideas that are changing the world.
It talks about the Founding Fathers journey to the Constitution which took over 100 years to frame. It speaks of a time before the Constituion was written when the Founders knew that in order to have a perfect Union/government the people would have to be moral!
They decided that the people were not moral enough to govern themselves which is why they continued to rely on England to govern them and at some point, a catalyst occurred to revive the people's morals, then and only then did the Founders decide that we were moral enough to govern ourselves, hence the Revolutionary War and the subsequent Contintental Congress which led to the writing of a Constitution.
They knew that a government without morals WOULD FAIL!!!!!!!!!
Stay with me....
Last night I was talking with my nephew, Kyle, about current events and he stated that he believed that we didn't need government for anything and so I got to express to him what I had been studying about in history regarding our government.
It was so cool!!!!
We had an awesome dialog and sharing of ideas that in the end I had the priveledge to point out to him how God is the one who instituted government and judges and justice and that our Founders believed that and actually framed the Constituion based on those ideas from the bible.
Then, today, as I got into the "5000 year leap" it talked about all those things that God has been showing me this week, He literally brought in all together in this book.
The Founders noted the similarities between anglo-Saxon common law and the People's law of ancient Israel.
It sited how Connecticut used the priciples recorded by Moses in the 1st Chap. of Deut. and adopted those priciples into their "Fundamental Orders" which became the first constitutional charter of modern times. This system operated so successfully that it was adopted by Rhode Island and eventually the other colonies.
The basic tenet was: "Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof"-Leviticus 25:10
This inscription appears on the Liberty Bell.
The book then went on to explain how the Founders looked at the example of Moses and Jethro in Exodus 18 and saw that the emphasis should be on a strong, local, self-government!!!!!
Don't you see how so very far we have strayed from the original ideas that this great country was based on?????
God gave these great men of history a vision for this country which they instituted and created for us a system of government based on God's idea of government.
And God has blessed us...
The climate of free-market economics allowed science to thrive in an explosion of inventions and technical dicoveries which, in merely 200 years, gave the world the gigantic new power resources of harnessed eletricity, the internal combution engine, jet propulsion, exotic space vehicles, nuclear energy, revolutionary communications, world exploration, space exploration, our lifespan was doubled and the quality of life was tremendously enhanced.
"In 200 years, the human race had made a 500 year leap!"
We need to get back to basics...we need to turn back to God....or dire consequences will befall this great nation.
Around 600 B.C. a divine reprimand was given through Jeremiah: "Ye have not hearkened unto me, in proclaiming liberty every one to his brother, and every man to his neighbor: behold, I proclaim for you, saith the Lord."