Wednesday, February 11, 2009

here she goes....

If you will indulge me for just a moment....
GB said this week that the United Nations passed a resolution to fund the rebuilding of ancient Babylon, supposedly, back in December, although I have been unable to confirm that( I'm still digging).
President Tom of Iran(he's called Tom cuz noone can spell his name) launched 2 rockets into space this week, their names being (loosely translated) "message of hope".
Well, first, he's showing the world that they are acquiring technology that the rest of the world has, in other words, they're a threat, now.
Secondly, he's literally sending a message to the heavens to bring on the 12th Imam-basically their version of messiah.
In the meantime, the US is "going to the crapper" with Obama leading the way.
Have you heard this:
Obama wants to nationalize health care, education, the CENSUS, and utilities!
GE is actually considering "merging with the government".
GE, as in General Electric is the 7th or 8th largest corporation IN THE WORLD and they want to MERGE WITH THE GOVERNMENT???????
Is anyone else alarmed by this?
Have you heard of the "smart grid"????
It will replace out thermostats by showing us the optimum time to our laundry, water our yards, heat our houses, and if we don't "comply" with it's "suggestion of usage"....we get charged a higher rate!
That's right, folks, Obama is nationalizing our power grid.
He has been a busy little boy, that Obama.
What else?
Oh, this is something you won't hear on our liberal-based media channels; Israel has discovered an inconceivably huge natural gas reserve off the coast of Haifa.
Perhaps this is what Ezekiel was speaking to when he prophesied to Israels' prosperity in the end times?????
Turkey is trying to from a strategic bloc with Iran and Syria in order to oppose Israel on all fronts, further testifying to the prophesies in Ezekiel 38-39 which speaks of the alliances against Israel in the end times.
It seems the whole world hates Israel, except for us, of course Obama will mess that up, too, I'm sure because you can't be a friend to everybody which seems to be his foreign policy.
In summary, Iran, who has just recently told the world of their imminent muclear capability, is pledged to "bring about the 12th Imam" through chaos and destruction, primarily by destroying Israel-the little satan and the US-aka; the great satan.
When he comes, he'll have a nice city to live in; Babylon, and he'll have at his disposal governments who will kiss his....finger just for the priveledge of buying whatever he's selling; oil, natural gas, electricity....
We are at the end of days, guys, and personally, that motivates me to be bold about my faith in Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.
I'm just sayin'......


Anonymous said...

You preach on Lori!!! I'm lookin' up cause I think we'll soon be goin' up! Anybody who knows Jesus and has been watching the signs would have to know it's getting close!

Wendi said...

wow, I want to learn more about all that. I have not heard of any of that. I wonder if steve has?