Monday, November 12, 2007

my new read....

Here's the new read:

"One home at a time" by Dennis Rainey.
The synapses would be:

Restoring the soul of America through God's plan for your marriage and family.

This is a MUST read for those who are passionate about ministering to their family and for those who have gotten "slightly-jaded" with the Church and it's "over-programming." (that would be me.)

In the first few chapters He talks of the "silent stirrings of reformation" and of the "Index of Leading Cultural Indicators" tracing the decline of American society through such things as crime, out-of-wedlock births, abortion, divorce, child abuse, etc.
The #1 spiritual indicator is this:

We have lost our fear of God.
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction." Proverbs. 1:7
He says that as a people we have rejected the rules because we have lost respect for the Ruler.
It is a heartfelt conviction that He is not only loving and personal, but holy and just as well.
It is the awareness that God sees and knows everything I think, feel, and do. When I fear God, He becomes preeminent in my life.
As a culture who says there is no God, no absolute authority, then it is an easy leap to see that people feel no accoutablity to anything so they do as they please.
Why keep promises, why fulfill my vows, why carry out my responsibilites?
All one needs do is watch the evening news to see new ways this country has no fear of our Lord God, in fact, this culture openly despises Him and mocks His Word.
How sad...I can see God weeping over his creation, how depicable we've become.
I desire to be counter-cultural.
I am in the world but not of the world.
This family will survive...we will fight for the right to be called "sons of God."
We will stand in the gap....and say, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."


Jill said...

You're such a rebel!

Anonymous said...

Every Christian must be radical if he thinks like Christ.
I agree with you. There is no fear of God from head to toe; From the leaders of the white house to the gardeners. God bless you