Saturday, November 24, 2007


We had a great Thanksgiving day!
We hosted dinner this year for Con's family and for some dear friends and it was very sweet.
At one point we had written down on paper what we are thankful for and then tried to guess who wrote it.
That was fun....
It got me thinking....we should all be that transparent.
Those who are most important around us should always know what we are thankful for because we should make it a habit to say it out loud.
I am thankful for Jesus and His salvation, for my amazing family who loves me inspite of my warts, for my friends who make me want to be better than I am, for the freedom that we have, for those who have paid and are paying the ultimate sacrifice for that continued freedom.
I wonder if I'd been one of those oppressed people in England, would I have been courageous enough to leave everything I knew behind to go to a New World and start over from scratch?????
I don't know.....
I don't think I'm that brave.
I don't even participate in Black Friday.
I'm definately not that brave.
Maybe people were made up differently back then, yeah, that's gotta be it.
They were stronger and more resilient than us contemporaries, who expect everything yesterday with little or no pain/difficulty.
God knew what He was doing when he inspired those folks to this New World and He knew they would make it because He was there right beside them, holding them up.
I am so thankful for those brave people who sacrificed so much for the freedom to worship God in their own way.
I suppose they had no idea what would become of this great quickly we would forget why they came here in the first quickly we would forget God's plan for this country.....shame on us.
I will not forget.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

We have that same tradition of guessing each other's blessings! It is so fun to watch the kids as you guess theirs. We should do that more often, don't ya think?

Oh, and I would like to know what the dream means too.