Thursday, August 21, 2008

Punk part 1

Satan is a punk!
I've been working ona post for nearly an hour and I was just getting to the good stuff about rebuking enemy and calling on the authority of Jesus Christ to heal my sister Rhonda and all of a sudden my post "disappeared."
Nice try.
You're a punk and you always have been and you don't scare me. I serve a risen Lord and He loves me and He hates you and someday soon He's taking me along with all the believers to be with Him in heaven and there is nothing you can do about it, punk!
I don't think your accomodations are going to be to your satisfaction, but your stay....will be eternal.
Enjoy, punk.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Oh I love you so much sister chick! You are fiesty today. Welcome were the first blog I ever went to and I've missed your unique take on life & faith. You are right, he is a punk and know what? Jesus has always got our back when we take him on! Good for you.