Thursday, August 21, 2008

Punk part 2

Back to my story.....
Yesterday afternooon I decided that I was not going to church because....who knows why, I just didn't have it me to go and I was thinking I could get some stuff done around home so I sent the girls off to church without me.
I talked to Jill after they left and we had a great time of catching up and sharing what was on our hearts. It was just what I needed. We talked and laughed about how sometimes church felt like such an obligation to serve and how sometimes it sucks the life out of us.
We laughed because sometime we ask why it can't EVER be about us and why it's ALWAYS about someone else, for me the line from SNL, "when do I get my stuff?", totally aplied.
Then my cell rang and it was Ginger and she was sweetly asking if we would reach out to a mutual friend at church that night and I said, "of course" except that I wasn't going to church so, therein, was the rub.
I called Jill back and told her what Ginger said and we laughed over the irony of it all, I mean, here we were, whining, and then we hear that our sister is hurting and I distinctly heard the Lord say," You're right, Lori, it's not about you, It's about ME."
Jill graciously offered to pick me up for dinner and we went on our merry way.
I sat with Dorothy and her girls and a gal that I hadn't met before.
Her name was Rhonda and she has 4 beautiful kids; Chevona, Patreesha, Ionna, and Julius.
We began to share with her and fellowship with her and I was thinking that this was why I was supposed to come. Here was Rhonda, new to the church, didn't know a soul and here she was at my table. So I did what God has gifted me to do: I befriended her and then she began to slowly unravel to the point that she began to have a full-on "panic attack" of some sort.
I put her in a room and told the kids to hang out and grabbed Dorothy and together we sat with Rhonda and talked/prayed her through the moments in her life that led her to our fellowship.
It was incredible.
She is a believer who has been running from the Lord for 15 years and who has given the enemy many footholds in her life.
We listened while she cried, wailed, lamented, cried some more, and finally, she was spent and allowed us to pray fiercely over her.
We sensed the enemy and at first she wouldn't let us touch her, which was the enemy I know because of how she physically recoiled and in my Spirit I heard, "I know you, Jesus, Don't touch me."
We called the enemy by name(side note: this whole paragraph disappeared again, I just called on the Lord for protection from the enemy in this place. Apparently he doesn't like me calling it by name) and then called on the healing power of Jesus Christ Our Lord to protect Rhonda from the lies of the enemy. We asked God to remove her tormentors and to to instill in her the peace of God. It was incredible!!!!!
She was a different lady at the end of it. She was exhausted but, at peace. Before the prayer-battle she kept saying, "get out of my head" with these wild eyes.
Afterwards, her eyes were clear, her head was clear, she was at peace and completely exhausted.
Isn't it awesome to know that God will go to extraordinary lengths to pursue us and to heal us.
Thank you, Father for your strength and your love, for your faithfulness.
Update: Rhonda just called me and said that she is at peace and is happy and without fear for the first time in a a long time and her kids are happy and she was singing praises to the Lord and she knows that God will take care of her. She told me that she got up and read her bible and was just singing to the Lord!!!!
The lesson for me: Show up and God will do the rest.


Carol said...
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Carol said...

Wow Lori that is amazing! I am so glad that God put the dominos into affect to get you to church and that you did not dig your heals in and stay home! God is good. Thanks for sharing, I am sure there will be lots of us praying for Rhonda now... ;)

Oh and... WELCOME BACK!!!! =)

Jill said...

WOW, 3 posts in one day. When you come back, you really come back!

Glad to be of service to you my friend, so... did we ever establish when it can be about me? Because apparently last night was about you.;o)

I hope you know I am totally kidding. Thanks for being obedient and setting a great example.

Wendi said...

I am so glad you were there to help Rhonda. Sounds like God had you there for a reason. That is awesome what you guys were able to do for her.
Sounds like she could use alot of prayer.

Sydnie said...

That was really cool. What an encouraging story. I've run from God for short periods of time before. I can't imagine doing it for years. Praise God!

Tricia said...

What a wonderful story! One of your willingness to be used and one of God's faithfulness. I will add Rhonda to my prayer list too. Like I said to you on the phone, if that was all last night was about, spiritually speaking, it was all worth it!

kim said...

Wow! Can you imagine what might have been if you'd decided to stay home? Way to listen and obey!

Oh and good to hear from you in the cyber world again. Welcome back!

Leslie said...

Wow Lori what a Wedsnesday night adventure! God is so good to show up and let us see how He brings glory unto Himself. He doesn't need us but chooses to use us when we say Yes. Thanks for sharing. I will be praying for Rhonda and look forward to meeting her.