Monday, September 15, 2008


Hi everyone!
I'm still here at least until tomorrow and I'm packed and ready to go!!!!
Sounds like we'll be serving in San Antonio at a shelter there for evacuees from all over.
It was funny to me that I got a email from Gary Floyd this am suggesting to the teams that we be properly hydrated BEFORE we go on this trip and it was one of those "HOLY DUH" moments for me.
In all the hustle and bustle of planning and packing have I been quenching my thirst by spending time at the feet of Jesus where He will sustain me and he will carry me through the next 2 weeks?????
I've had some "Martha moments" and now it is time for some "Mary moments".
"Father, forgive me for trying to do it all in my own strength. Thank you for never giving up on this silly servant and thank you for what you have done in my life and what you will do."


Tricia said...

I am glad you are serving God again in this capacity. I know what you mean with Mary and Martha. I was just thinking the same thing as I sit here blogging, but really need to spend more time with the Lord, too. I know you will have a great trip and have a great impact on the people around you. God bless!

kim said...

What a blessing to be able to serve in this capacity. And way to listen to the voice of God saying "go" and doing what He instructs.
And thank you for your post. I think sometimes in the hustle and bustle it's easy to Martha it, to be in control, to take the lead, etc. But to stop and sit and be still and listen at the feet of Jesus, wow, that's where we should all be. Thanks for a great post and God bless you on your travels. Prayers lifted for you and those you leave at home!

Jill said...

Look at you being both organized and flexible. You are my idol ;o)

Leslie said...

God had you all organized and ready to go and then He gave you the gift of a day in His presence. How good He is to us!

Carol said...

You go girl! We will be paraying! =)

And Jill, I thought we were giving those up... ;)

Wendi said...

Wow Lori what a great example to you kids that you go out and help others in need! We will pray for you down in Texas and for a safe return.
See ya!