Monday, April 14, 2008

Family Fitness and Canary Birds....

Saturday night was our first Family Fitness meeting and it was very interesting.
For those of who don't know what that is I'll explain that FF is the brain-child that came from a group of friends concerned that they were not following the biblical model that God gave to us regarding raising our families.
It is a very sweet time of bible study, connecting with friends, and prayer.
The original group splintered off to start new groups and we hope it will catch on and more will get involved.
Earlier that day I was helping an elderly widower down the street with her estate sale and came across a book called, "Ladies' Indispensable Assistant, being a companion for the Sister, Mother, and Wife...."
It was published in 1852 and went on to suggest all sorts of things like, the proper management of children and canary birds, instructions for ladies under various circumstances, proper etiquette for ladies and was hilarious and completely ludicrous to me.
I thought it was ironic, though, and shared with our FF group that here was an instruction manual written for the benefit of mother and fathers, individuals, etc, and then I held up my bible and suggested to the group that eveything we need for life is actually in THIS book.
We talked about our "fire" for the Lord and sharing it with others and being a light in a dark world. It was me thinking about my witness to my neighbors and how can I share my light with them?......
Good stuff.


Jill said...

It is fun to look at old books like that. I didn't know canary birds were that common of pets ;o)

Tricia said...

That book sounds interesting... I am glad FF went well too