Tuesday, April 29, 2008

thinking green is NOT the answer!

My daughter, Lacey, has been challenging me with the question,"Why do youth speakers/evangelists always tell us that WE are the generation that will change the world????
She says that it bugs her because she doesn't believe that!!!!!
So, I try to encourage her by saying what I think he is really saying; things like, "he doesn't really mean the world, but, your part of the world." and "God WILL change the world one person at a time...."
Blah, blah, blah.....
She's NOT buying it, not one bit.
So, this weekend I confronted the youth speaker at youth conference with this very question to which he answered the same way that I had to Lacey.
I told him that she wasn't buying it, and that I wasn't trying to be argumenative, but just for his feedback, there are students who are questioniong this concept.
I think he was challenged and finally relented that NO he didnt' believe either that the world was going to be saved, but rather, he wants the students to realize that they can affect their peers' world and isn't that what we are ALL called to do; to GO and be witnesses to the world, despite the possible outcome????
Anyhoo, it was good.....challenging, in that, I've had to ask myself that same question, "Do I believe the world is going to be saved?"
I have to answer honestly, NO, I think that events are in place and there is no going back.
We have taken God out of the picture in so many ways; no prayer in schools, belittling the idea of Intelligent Design which belittles the idea of a Creator in our classrooms and universities, the removal of the 10 Commandments from public places, the trend of being politically correct and NOT offending anybody which leads to the watering down of absolute Truth, the tend to a humanist worldview which state that man is the master of his own domain, I mean, I could go on and on.....
do I believe that this nation will have a spiritual awakening like the "Great Revival" from the 19th century????
I don't!
I think we've gone too far and there is NO going back and I also believe that the end of days is near which, for us Christians, simply means that we need to be purposeful about sharing Christ with our world, our neighbors, our famlies, etc.
One thing that the speaker said that was awesome was this: "WE, as christians, are the physical emodiemnt of God on earth!"
Do we get that?????
We have a personal relationship with God and He is in us and that is huge!!!!!
We need not take that lightly.

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