Thursday, April 10, 2008

some random thoughts....

Thanks to my blog-sistas for your prayers......
Though there has been no change in the situation I do have a peace that I am in good hands, so thank you for your prayers.
Now, I just wish that this TWITCH in my lip would GO AWAY!!!!!
Jill suggested that I am "weary" of keeping something in and that is the nature of the twitch....she might be right.
Who knows?
Anyhoo, what I wanted to share was something that the visiting pastor on Sunday spoke about.
He was speaking about the healing of the blind man in Bethsaida in the book of Mark, when Jesus healed the man only part way before healing him completely.
He went on to say that Jesus' healing in stages paralled the disciples' imperfect perception of Him. Like the man, they were no longer blind but they could not see clearly either.
So, what was the disconnect for the disciples????
How could they have spent all their time with the Lord and truly not know Him for who He was????
That is the question....for us, too, I think.
How can we, as the body of Christ, be in His prescence but not really know Him????
How can we be in church 2, 3, or 4 days a week and perhaps teaching or serving in some way and be in fellowship with other believers and truly not know the nature of God?????
Where's the disconnect for us?????
Is it a lack of wisdom or lack of faith that keeps us so blind to who God really is???
I'll pose this:

The treasure of wisdom rests in the hands of God. Since it comes from above, we cannot attain it apart from Him -Prov. 2:6
True wisdom can only be gained by cultivating the fear of the Lord- Job 28:28, Ps.86:11
To fear God is to have an attitude of awe and humility before Him. (Prov.15:33)
It is to recognize Him as our Creator and we are to be completely dependent on Him in all aspects of our lives.
Our faith in God is based on trust and our ability to trust Him is directly proportional to our knowledge of Him. The better we know God, the more we can trust Him.
So, how can we increase our knowledge of God?????
We become intimate with Him as we talk with Him in prayer and as we listen to His voice in Scipture. The better we know God, the more our love increases and the more we want to respond to His desires for our lives. Faith in God is simply trusting Him, and then letting that trust be manifest into action.
My question to is this:

Are we missing out on complete healing because we are blind to who God really is???
Is our perception of God, or our vague awareness of His power, limiting the miracles that God wants to show us in our lives?????
Am I the problem????
Do I have limited sight?????
Lord, remove the scales from my eyes, that I may truly see. I want to walk by faith and not by sight.


Jill said...

I really enjoyed the sermon Sun. morning.

What spoke to me it thinking about the disciples with Jesus for 3 years and still not completely getting it until the resurrection – and then they still continued to grow and learn.

Each one’s journey is her own. God reveals Himself to each of us at a different rate and a different schedule of revelation. What God has revealed to me maybe He has not yet revealed to you yet, and vice versa. God is so individual to each of us revealing what we need to know when we need it. I am so thankful for the women that God has placed near me that I can watch and learn from. I need to impart more grace and mercy and enjoy watching others walk their individual journey with the Lord.

When I look back on my walk thus far with the Lord and read some of my early journals I think ‘Wow, I thought I knew so much’ and really all I had was partial very limited sight. I am sure I will someday look at my current journal and think the same thing about where I am now in my walk. God is so complex and multifaceted. So awesome that we can continue to learn and grow our whole lives! I personally believe that we will continue growing in knowledge in heaven…but that is for another post. ;o)

Anonymous said...

I learned from that sermon as well... I am glad God chooses to have a personal relationship with each of us and reveals more of Himself to me as I am ready, and not before. I need to keep that in mind when I look at others and wonder why they can't see how they are "obviously" screwing up their lives and if only they knew God as well as I do... I am thankful for friends who see that God is in a personal relationship with me and love me where I am at. I try to be that kind of friend, but where I really struggle is with people I don't know very well and I forget the grace God and my close friends show to me and I start judging, but as Jill says that's a whole nother blog! ;)

Ginger said...

Isn't it comforting that God is so gracious and patient? He never gets worried about how much we have not learned, He just keeps working with us, shaping and molding us with the greatest of care. My desire is to be pliable and to exhibit that same grace and patience with others.