Thursday, April 24, 2008

a funny story...

OK, well I thought that my friend Jill was going to tell the story of the "nose-piercing", however, she hasn't so I will.
We were getting ready to watch "Cloverfield" the other night when all of a sudden Nevada yells from the computer room,"Emma and her Mom just got their nose's pierced!!!!"
All of us were like, "no way!!!!".
Lacey took her shock to a level that I have never seen before in her.
She was positively taken over by the "green-eyed-monster" and began to wail and moan about how she wanted to do it, too.
She would hardly engage with the movie she was so jealous.
I have NEVER seen her that way was ugly, ugly, ugly!!!!!
Anyhoo, the next morning it all came out that it was a joke and I was (playfull) "furious" and promptly picked up the phone to give Jill a piece of my mind(playfully).
I said," I have a bone to pick with you!!!".
Her response: "Get in line."
It was hysterical and caused quite a ripple in our households and has the dads positively stumped as to what to do about it.
Con is coming around to the idea simply because I am not opposed to it and I have always thought we need to "pick our battles" with the girls and, frankly, this isn't one for me.
I think for dads that it is hard for them to watch their little girls become little women and us moms sort of embrace the idea because we get to see the "fruit of our labor" and it is a beautiful thing to see them grow up.
Let's take a poll:

Do you think nose-studs are OK for 16 year olds?
What about tattoos?
What about hair color?....even wacky hair color?
What about tanning beds or tanning lotions?
Fake nails?
I'm just curious about your thoughts(not that I am all for these things, I'm jsut curious) regarding the altering of our "natural-God-given-assets".

Let me know what you think.


Tricia said...

Well, I asked my husband, curious to his opinion. Not that it would matter to you, but it does to me. He had a good point. Something that is permanent or could leave a perm. mark, is something to heavily think about before doing, especially for young 'uns. I am pretty much ala natural, because hair color isn't cheap and high maintenance, but I am not against it. I used to have fake nails and love them, but as a mom it's not practical to go have them done every few weeks. God also has changed my mind, that as a mom I don't want my girls to think or see that I am all about my looks. You know what I mean, the moms that are perfect! Only not real. I want to do my best with what I have. That's my motto. Sometimes girls don't even know what's real for older women because so many, like actresses, have so much work done that they look younger than some 30 year olds, and they're in the 60's!!!

How's all that? Probably more than you wanted. I did think the nose thing was adorable, but still don't know if adorable is what we should be after....

Carol said...

I do not have any teenagers so here is my opinion for what it is worth: I think as long as it is modest and not something they would have to stick with for ever (like a tattoo) then go for it! (Save the tattoo decision for when you are over 18 ;>) While I may sound too liberal for some, let me clarify. If my daughter were a trustworthy person that I could see was on the right track and growing spiritually and she wanted her nose pierced because it was fun and cute then I would let her, for cryin out loud, I would let her change her hair color every week if she was into that! If my daughter were not responsible and trying to make a statement against authority or had an attitude that did not characterize a growing Christian young lady then it would be a NO. I personally know amazing Christian young ladies, teens and adults that have blue hair, nose piercing and even tattoos. The people I am thinking of have done more with their witness, serving Jesus and winning people to Christ than most Christians could ever think of doing their whole life. Since when are we legalistic as Christians? I am sure that it was not that many years ago that the "Christian" woman of the church thought it appalling to have ones ears pierced. Times change and as long as we are not changing the message of Christ than who cares about the other stuff. As I have said many times recently, God looks at your heart not your nose. Each parent obviously has to decide what will be the rules in their house. The only problem I have with it is when someone decides it is their place to judge another parents choice. I would hope that whatever any parent decides they can give good sound reasons for their decisions to their children and that their Christian friends would show respect and support for their decision, even and especially if it is not the same as what they will be doing in their family. I will now step down from my soap box. ;)

Jill said...

Who knew that a sticker would infuse so much discussion?

I agree with Carol, I don't think it can be a 'yes' or 'no' across all boards. It depends on what is going on in the heart.

For me I want to be able to say 'yes' as much as I can to my kids, even if that means changing their hair color, style, or a piercing. Heaven knows I have let my kids do and wear things I did not like especially but it really doesn't matter in the big picture. I think the tattoos should be left for later just because they are so permanent and when I think about what I might have chosen to have tattooed when I was under 18, oh my. I wish like all parenting there could be easy one size fits all answer - but there are not.

Again, I agree with Carol that we should not judge other parents on their decisions with their kids. I think dialog and support are always needed. Sometimes I just need someone to come along side of me and hold me up instead of criticize my decision. Sometimes it isn't even my decision, but my husbands and I am trying to be submissive and supportive of him, I don't need extra critique.

So what about me? How does this effect me? I do hair color, tanning cream, occasionally paint my fingers, always have toe polish on, I enjoy a pedicure, I wear make-up, I have pierced ears (more than one set of holes) and I pay attention to what I wear and try to make it flattering. Again, this is not one size fits all. I try not to make a big deal if I am trying to loose a couple pounds or if I color my hair I try not to draw attention to it with my kids. I don't want it to be all about what I don't like about myself. Personally I would be uglier (not just physically) if I didn't do some of those things. I'd be a crunchy person. ;o)

So, there you have it. I think Lori takes the prize for longest comments. :O)

Ginger said...

Well, at our house it is no tattoos, no nose piercings (or any other body part but the ear), no crazy hair color, yes to highlights, yes to tasteful fake nails, tanning booths are discouraged because we know so many people with skin cancer (even close family), tanning lotion is ok. I realize everyone has different ideas of what is "appropriate." So, I don't mind if you all get a nose piercing. Just don't make the assumption that I am a legalistic Christian if I don't. :)

Wendi said...

I would have to say no to nose piercing, just because i know my kids, and they would probably only want to do it because everyone else is doing it. I say 18 for nose piercing and tattoos. Tanning at 16 I think is ok, if done in moderation, meaning not to look like leather, or orange, only because I think you can just as easily go tan outside and still get cancer. I agree with Tricia, I don't want my girls to think that everything is about their looks. I think nails is ok if there willing to pay for it themselves because it is such high maintenance, the pink haircoloring, I would question why they wanted it, would it be for attention? thats a hard one, because I would have to say no as of now. I guess well see when that time comes.