Monday, March 10, 2008

God is good...all the time.

OK, so last night at church the youth led the worship and it was so good.
It was really the first time that I heard Nevada sing because she's pretty humble about the praise team thing, anyway, she has a beautiful voice!
Who knew???
They all did a great job of leading in worship and guess what?
God showed up and blessed our socks off!!!
The Holy Spirit was really moving in our midst.
A man got up and spoke of being broken over the fact that several family members are getting divorced and he was so wounded and broken-hearted over it.
He went on to say that God hates divorce and that children never get over it.
I was so moved by his emotion and I thought to myself that we really should be broken-hearted when we see a family torn apart instead of the flippant way we say," another one bites the dust."
Another family got up to say that their family is divided and hurting and they asked for prayer.
It was so beautiful to see the body laying hands over the wounded and praying for healing.
I was so blessed. missed a blessing, my friend.
Another man got up to say that he is an alcoholic and that he needed healing and prayer.
Again, the body responded by laying their hands upon him and lifting him up to the Lord for healing and restoration.
I really see a God moving our people.....
God, I pray that you will move in our hearts and make us more like you in every way. I pray that we will approve the things which are excellent so that we may be sincere and blameless until the day you return.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

Thanks for sharing. I know the effects of divorce do linger. I hope and pray for each family, however severe their problems and needs that they will allow God to work miracles...