Thursday, March 20, 2008

Holy week....

This is Holy Week....and tomorrow marks the day our Lord was crucified which makes today the day He was arrested and put on trial.
It is hideous to ponder the events that led up to the Cross, but I think that it is important to remember the sacrifice and recall the prophecy that revealed who Jesus, the Messiah would be.
Do you realize there were literally hundreds of Messianic prophecies that foretold Jesus, Emmanuel; Jesus, born of a virgin; Jesus, son of God; Jesus, Lord and Savior; Jesus, Messiah.
I am mindful this day of how great God is and how much He loved us, so much that He couldn't be without us and so He made a way.....Jesus Christ, the Incarnation......fully man and fully God.
Thank you, Father, for sending Jesus to us.
Thank you for the sacrifice that was made.
Thank you for your never ending love.

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