Saturday, March 15, 2008

hockey, armpits, and undershorts

Last night the kids had a youth event at Quinalt/the hockey game and we all had a blast!
I love seeing the kids from all the churches because I get to see my camp girls and reconnect with them.
Hailey was there along with Amanda and Abbey, and Shannon.
So fun to talk with them about their lives.
Then we went to the hockey game...Ams won!
Apparently they are doing really well this year?????
Hockey's not really my thing but I love to watch people and I love the whole carnival atmosphere, I love the noise and the spectacle of it all.
Funny, it could have been anything down there, not necessarily hockey, but perhaps.....gladiators and lions and.....Christians....hmmmm.
I admit, I get lost in people....and I forget to focus on the show, the real show, a.k.a life.
OK, so God is not done with me yet but I'm still learning.
I did talk to a lady who's from a little town 4 miles from Winnepeg and she said that most of the Ams team is from there so she feels a connection with them, she went on to say that Winnipeg was considered the "armpit" of Manitoba which made me laugh out loud(only because I feel like an armpit most of the time).
She asked who all the kids were and I told her we represented 4 0r 5 Baptist churches in the was at that precise moment when Brandon decided to remove his shirt and twirl it over his head(all while his undershorts were hanging out all over the place)!
That was low point for me, especially when one of our male chaperones took a picture of him while he was laughing his head off at him.
Other than that it was great, except for the part when one of the girls started kissing her boyfriend in front of everybody......another low point.
WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO...climb over the seats and chastise them???????
If she's not learning it at home....there's not a whole lot I can do, ya know what I mean????
Let me end on a high note.........
..........................oh yeah, I got to sit and visit with Ginger for a whole period!!!!


Tricia said...

I'm jealous you got to sit with Ginger...Just kidding... as to the kissing, I think I would have said, NOT NOW! to them. Hello!!! Youth function!!! Can you hear my scream through the computer? Anyway, I am glad you had a good time. Next month Newsboys are back, what do you think of that? I think we might go!

Ginger said...

It was a high point for me to :). I talked with my better half about the kissing, and he assured be that had he been in my seat, he would have climbed over and let them know that we don't do that when we are part of the church group. Oh, to have his courage! It is sad to me--the reality must be that it is an ok thing in the youth group they are part of. If not, they would not have felt so comfortable doing it in the big group. What are the youth leaders doing? What are they thinking? Do we have not moral standards left for our teens?