Monday, March 3, 2008

my conviction....

Do I have belief beyond conviction???

I have been asking myself this question for some time.

Do I have a conviction in Christ that is defined by being so thoroughly convinced that Christ and his Word are both objectively true AND relationally meaningful that I act on those beliefs regardless of consequences?

Am I purposefully seeking to teach this conviction to my girls through the modeling of such convictions????
Are my relationships better because I have a relationship with my heavenly Father that teaches love and mercy and grace and forgiveness???


I hope so.

I am trying...but I am also very aware of how very grown up they are becoming and how much the influences of the world are trying to destroy those same convictions.

I propose to be purposeful regarding these things.

Lacey, my oldest, asked me why I walked away from the Church after high school.

Great question, I told her, then I proceeded to tell her that I felt like I had really walked away only from the Church, not from God, necessarily, because I didn't feel it was relevant to me.

My question to me is this: Am I teaching her that God is relevant yesterday, today AND tomorrow?
Are we, as parents, modeling for our kids that God is who He said He is and we believe his Word is absolute Truth and God wants us to want His will before our own will????

All this rhetoric makes for GREAT conversations with my girls about God and his Word and his plans for them.

We have actually started an apologetics class, not just for them, but for all of us.

I Peter 3:15 says that we should always be ready to give a defense to the hope we have....

My hope and prayer for my kids is that they will always walk in the ways of the Lord and that they will always seek His Truth, not the truth in the world.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground.Eph 6:13

Good job teaching them how to be well prepared and fully dressed.