Tuesday, March 11, 2008

heavenly sand paper

Please pray for me as I have been really struggling lately with loving and accepting a certain person who has an obvious disdain for me and my flesh wants to confront and get it on the table and clean it up.
That's just who I am....you can't change the things that you don't acknowledge so, let's just acknowledge, deal, and move on.
I strongly believe that as a Christ follower, we should love all people and accept that God has gifted us all differently for use in His Kingdom, right?
Well, Sunday evening a friend gave me a magazine and yesterday I had time to peruse the articles, one of which was entitled," "Easily offended by other's actions or remarks? Here's how to GET OVER IT!!!!!"
OK God, I think you're speaking to me, let me read on....
The article went on to say that although we all encounter difficult people in our lives it is important and commanded to love and accept them, not in our strength, but through God all things are possible(reminds me of a verse) for the glory of God.
Is this person heavenly sand paper for me?
Is God trying to smooth off some of my rough edges in order to be more like Him?
Could be.....
The author of this article offered this verse that changed her life: "He who is deviod of wisdom despises his neighbor. But a man of understanding holds his peace." Proverbs 11:12
God is good all the time.
I love that He cares for our relationships and that He equips us to do the right thing in the right moment.
"Thank you, Father for your loving kindness. Rain down your love and mercy on me, this day, and help me to love my sister as you have loved me."


Leslie said...

Thank you for sharing what God is doing in your life. You are being TRANSFORMED! I am grateful for my sisters in Christ more than I can say. Love ya!


Tricia said...

I am so glad to have you as an example of showing mercy and love around us. Keep it up!

vAdA said...

AMEN! Speak the truth! lol!

Jill said...

You go girl!